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Plumbing and HVAC advertisements

Plumbing businesses of all sizes, from contractors to manufacturers and suppliers can benefit from advertising campaigns that press the right buttons to sell your products or services.

How your business can benefit from the right advertising approach

1. Giving your business a real competitive advantage

This always has to be a focus. It is a competition for your plumbing services out there - and you've always got to keep ahead of the competition. Without wanting to get too carried away - the idea is not just to beat the competition but to devastate it. It's about being in a mental space where everything you do to promote your business is a crucial battle in an on-going war - that's it's at absolute peak performance. Fortunately, in plumbing services a great many businesses (your competition) are asleep at the wheel when it comes to marketing. Their existing customers ought to make rich pickings.

2. All about selling

The single purpose of spending advertising dollars should be that it sells your plumbing products or services. It's not necessarily about being 'creative' or original or showing off. So, for example, although our staff all have creative talents and do creative original work - the most important thing is for them to make you money.

3. Exploit the most profitable parts of your business

Often businesses concentrate on their advertisement without stepping back to think about what they advertise and to whom. The best approach is to pick out the parts of your business that are the most profitable and to create ways of getting the phone to ring with enquiries about them. It sounds so obvious, but businesses often don't do it. It's about being clever with your marketing dollars - spending them on the right things first.

4. Getting into the minds of your customers

One of the biggest mistakes any campaign can make is not getting into the minds of the prospective customers. Marketing strategies and profit plans are essential behind closed doors - but you can't make them your public face. At the point at which you interact with your customers it MUST be all about THEM. This is vital, because they are not interested in your profits, they are only interested in what you can do for them. We recommend you use the approach that most interests them - it will be the most effective.

5. Research and testing

This is one of the 'secret weapons'. It's not about 'guessing' what works - it's about knowing.

We have research at our fingertips that cost millions of dollars to collate (seriously) - and you can take advantage of this by simply by speaking to us. Even a few hours of our time can save you from an expensive mistake with your advertising campaign. Good research and testing can do more to maximise your return on your marketing dollars than just about any other aspect.

6. Exploit your plumbing speciality

Plumbing businesses, from contractors to supply manufacturers are NOT like other businesses. They're not even like each other. You need to exploit your speciality, the unique challenges facing the plumbing trade and industry.

That we specialize in plumbing brings enormous advantages to your business - it's proof that we care enough about your business and industry to dedicate our passion, time and energy into improving how you sell it; it's proof that the nature of how you make money is not a mystery to us; it's proof that we enjoy working with the folk we meet in the plumbing industry enough to make it part of our daily lives - and, hopefully, the fact that we continue to attract plumbing business is proof that we are not just good at what we do, but that we're nice people to work with too.

If you think our advice, research or full service work might benefit your plumbing business, please don't hesitate to contact us. Even if you are not planning on using an advertising agency to produce the full advertisement, you may find that just a few hours of our time might improve the effectiveness of your advertising enough to save you the equivalent of a week of yours.

You can find all of our contact information for the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and other countries by clicking on 'How to contact us today' in the menu.

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